A Birth Story: Charlotte Grace

(For our more perceptive readers--i.e., anyone who also reads Mommy's personal blog--this is going to look familiar. Yes, I mostly copied and pasted this story. It was long and I just couldn't bring myself to type it out again. Forgive me.)

On Thursday, June 20th, my midwife stripped my membranes in the hopes of getting labor started since we were facing a potential induction (I had gestational diabetes, and with that comes the concern of early placental failure, a real risk that I was afraid to face) and she knew I wanted a totally natural childbirth (NUCB). Immediately afterward, I began having strong contractions, so we got excited that it might have worked. After an hour or so, the strength wore off, though the contractions kept coming in an uneven rhythm and lacked any feeling of pain. In fact, they felt good—tingly and warm. I figured if this was active labor, I was set! I knew there was more to come, however, and settled in for a long labor. As the day went on, however, the contractions really died down, and by that night, they had completely stopped. I was heartbroken and incredibly disappointed because I’d been so excited to meet you. I cried myself to sleep that night thinking that was the end. Daddy and I were so ready for you to come! 

Mommy was really, super, mega pregnant :)

Friday, Daddy’s office threw us a baby luncheon/shower at a local restaurant, and everyone commented that I looked like I could go into labor at any moment. I tried to joke along, but I was feeling really unwell and you weren't doing your usual wiggling and karate chopping. After the luncheon, I went home to rest and see if I began to feel better. I got home around 12:30pm, and at 1pm on the dot I was suddenly slammed with rhythmic, cramping back pain that took my breath away. It became clear pretty quickly that these cramps had a nicely established pattern—5 minutes apart, lasting 60-70 seconds. I called my midwife’s office and left a message for the nurse, then called Daddy at work. I kept timing the cramping and realized quickly that I was having real back labor (hooray). It looked as though you were finally on your way! Daddy hurried home, and we put our bags in the car and headed to the hospital. I should also point out that during this time, I talked many times to Aunt Calley, Grandpa, Aunt Melissa and Aunt Kathryn, all of whom were very excited and incredibly supportive. Everyone was excited that you were coming!

We got to the hospital, and a nurse checked Mommy out to make sure I was okay. She checked on you, too, with a monitor. You were hanging out all chill and relaxed. An hour later, my doctor came in and checked me. I was definitely in labor! My body was acting wonky though, so she said we could go home and wait for you to get revved up again or we could stay and she could help us out. I was overwhelmed by both ideas—I was ready to meet you finally, but I wanted to be sure you were ready to meet us. I was confused and a little scared, so I started to cry. I asked my doctor what she would choose in my place, and she told me that she would take the help to get things going. Daddy and I talked about it and decided we were set to get you here already :). Off we were sent to a labor room to settle in.

We went over our birth plan with the nurses that were there, even though they were about to change shifts at 7pm. The first nurse didn't think Mommy could make it without medicine, and to be honest I was starting to wonder myself. I was hurting pretty badly and concerned about you--it was tough! I knew I wanted to keep trying to go natural, though, so I was glad she was about to leave! The pain started getting worse, and I started to doubt I could handle it. Daddy was amazing, though--he calmed me down just in time for the arrival of my doula and my new nurse, who was a huge fan of the idea of natural childbirth and made it her mission to see me through. By then, the rest of both sides of the family had arrived, and things were moving along slowly, but moving. We knew it was going to take a while, but everyone was so happy and excited! 

Having a baby is hard work! 

I walked the halls for ages, bounced on the birth ball, swayed in place and got in and out of the tub, all in an effort to ease you out. You were being really stubborn, though, and you really made Mommy work for it! At about 1am, endorphins kicked in and I started feeling really good—like Wonder Woman! 

Mommy and Aunt Melissa...Mommy was feeling pretty good! :)

Mommy with Lisa, the best doula in the world!

 My birth team (Daddy, Lisa, Aunt Calley, Aunt Melissa and my awesome nurses, Jenn and Jessica) put on a 90’s playlist and danced and sang. The fun didn't last as long as Mommy would have liked, and soon I was feeling sick and terribly tired. You were still parked in your spot and not wanting to come out. This was when Mommy started to worry. 

Tired and worried, but still so excited to meet you!

Aunt Calley was AMAZING!

Around 11:30am Saturday morning, my doctor came back in and checked me again.  No progress.  She did an external examination as well and told me as best she could tell, you were crooked in Mommy's body.  You were at an angle in there and was wedged in fairly tightly, and you were sunny side up--face up instead of down.  You had your hand on top of your head, too...I wasn't surprised by that, because the whole time you were in Mommy's tummy you kept your hands in and on your face!  

See?  Right in your darling little face!

Our doctor decided the best thing to do was to have a c-section to get you out safely. Mommy and Daddy agreed because your safety was the most important thing to us.  I got the epidural and had a chance to speak to everyone who was waiting for you to make your arrival. 

Gigi was so ready for you to come!

Papa was too!

The timing could not have been more appropriate—my blood pressure began to drop and along with it, your heart rate.  We both got pretty sick pretty quickly, and suddenly, the “this is our best option” became “this is happening NOW”.  My family and birth team gathered for a prayer and I was whisked to the OR.  

No, Daddy didn't operate, but he sure looked the part!

You were born screaming at 1:53pm.  7lbs, 5.6oz, and 20.25” long with a head full of golden brown hair and the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen.  You were--and still are--absolutely perfect!    

Not a happy girl, but still so beautiful!

What a welcome to the world! 

Calm and sleepy after such a big day!

Best baby in the world!  

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